New Article on Business Courts Nationally

Frequent business court author and Michigan attorney, Douglas L. Toering, publishes a tri-annual column in The Michigan Business Law Journal, Touring the Business Courts. In the Spring 2023 piece, he gives a national overview of business courts, primarily  based on interviews with former Michigan business court judge Christopher P. Yates (who is also a national authority on the subject), business courts pioneer Robert L. Haig (who may have done more than any other single individual to advance the creation of business courts in the United States ), and Lee Applebaum, the author of this Blog.  A copy of the article can be found here.

The article focuses on the present state of business courts, and what we might expect to see in the future as important business court issues.

Attorney Toering’s articles are always interesting, and the points made often apply as much outside of Michigan as they do within Michigan.


Posted by Lee Applebaum